Frequently Asked Questions

All your questions and concerns are welcome, however before reaching out  you might want to look through the following frequently asked questions and answers in this section. If  you still have questions then go ahead and ask me directly.

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General Questions

What should I know before my first consultation?

To be updated

Is it ok for me to get a second opinion?

To be updated

Do you accept health insurance?

To be updated

Do you have payment plans?

To be updated

Can I opt not to accept blood transfusions?

To be updated

Why do I need to fast before surgery?

To be updated

Can I continue to take my herbal medications?

To be updated

Can someone accompany me during my procedure?

To be updated

About Your Surgery

Preparation for Surgery
Preparations for surgery depend on your diagnosis. On making your appointment, I will discuss with you how to prepare for your surgery.
However, if you will undergo general anesthesia, you may be asked to do the following:
1. Stop drinking and eating for a certain period of time before the time of surgery
2. Bathe or clean, and possibly shave the area to be operated on
3. Undergo various blood tests, X-rays, electrocardiograms, or other procedures necessary for surgery
4. Sometimes a patient may be asked to take an enema the evening before surgery, to empty the bowels. (You will be advised)
5. Do not wear makeup the day of surgery
6. Do not wear nail polish
7. Do not wear your  contact lenses
8. Leave valuables and jewelry at home
9. Advise the medical staff of dentures or other prosthetic devices you may be wearing
Surgery Day

On arriving you are:

  • Asked to sign in and complete your waiver forms
  • Given  a hospital gown to change into.
  • Checked for stable vitals (blood pressure, pulse, and temperature.)
  • An (IV) Intravenous is inserted in one of your arms through which you will be given medication for the duration of your procedure. 
  • You are introduced to your medical team (nurses, anesthesiologist and of course, your surgeon)
  • YOu will then be moved to the Operating Theatre to begin your procedure


Specialized medical checkup
tailored to the patient.